FN 263 - Introduction of Research Methods - Introduction to research in nutrition as the foundation for evidencebased practice. The scientific method, hypothesis testing, clinical trials, epidemiological research,
nutrition surveys, and sensory analysis.
Projects: Research Paper, Research Paper 2,
FN 335 Nutrition Through the Life Cycle - Nutritional needs of pregnancy, lactation, childhood, adolescence, adulthood and the aged. Planning and computation of normal diets for all phases of the life cycle. Reading and reporting of current developments in nutrition.
Project: Case Study
FN 345/L Nutrition Education - Principles of learning and evaluation applied to nutrition. Development of instructional systems, including objectives, learning activities and strategies in various settings. Identifications and analysis of current problems inherent in such applications. Discussion and critique of student reports.
Projects: Cognitive Distortions, Presentation at International Polytechnic High School, Sport Nutrition Brochure, Sport Nutrition Raport
Project: Measure and Weight Portion Sizes, Script for Interactive Education